In 1902, one of history's most statistically significant revivals was led by three American evangelists, R. A. Torrey, Charles Alexander, and W. E. Geil. It quickly spread internationally after beginning in Melbourne, Australia, where a staggering 8,642 conversions were recorded in just four weeks. This largely untold story chronicles the beginning of the twentieth century's "great awakening" better known for its later impact in Wales and at Azusa Street, Los Angeles. By comparison with the later ministry of Billy Graham, Global Revival identifies key elements that remain central to all revivals today. It also includes rare letters from D. L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon, details of the unique "Spots" method of evangelism, insights into a decade-long weekly prayer meeting, the origin of the various versions of Alexander's famous revival hymn book, and full transcripts of selected sermons. This unique case study of revival's triumphs and pitfalls makes an important contribution to the study of evangelistic mission and will energize and equip groups and individuals alike. Global Revival also provides helpful study questions to stimulate discussion in small groups or classes keen to see fresh expressions of revival today.