Imagine: you're critically injured in a horrible accident. Rushed to the emergency room, you're fighting for your life. But once you're there, no one tries to help you. Instead, you're locked in a dark room with rows of comatose patients; just lying there?not dying, but not living either ...
Imagine: you're a promising young doctor at New York's most prestigious hospital. You're there to save lives, but you soon find out that the hospital is run on greed and malice, rather than compassion. Horrific human experiments are taking place. People are being robbed of vital fluids. And for some reason, no one seems concerned with healing the sick ...
Here is a horrifying medical thriller with a premise so plausible you'll think twice about entering another hospital. Master of medical suspense David Shobin, bestselling author of The Center and The Unborn, has done it again?he's crafted a chilling tale so rich with intrigue, action, and excitement, you won't put it down until the last heart-pounding page.