A mysterious man's past unfolds in court, revealing a tale of forbidden romance during WWII, post-war decadence, and ultimately murder. The measure of a father's love for his daughter will be tested in this captivating narrative spanning thirty years.
When Mary Karpinski is assigned to defend a man accused of murdering a policeman, she is unaware of the drama that is about to engulf her and her family. Refusing to cooperate in the slightest way, the defendant, known only as Mr. X, is resigned to accept the capital punishment that the prosecutor is determined to have the jury impose -- that is until a chance occurrence compels him to change his plea to 'not guilty'. With the help of brusque, wise-cracking gumshoe, Paul Rylance, Mary will set out to mount a defense for Mr. X while discovering in the process secrets that will alter the course of her life as they determine the fate of her client.
In One Thing of Value, we delve into America's past when social mores were restrictive and punishing and where the role of women and the expectations of men were such that lives were limited and dreams were often thwarted. From the WWII battle fields of France to the post-war boom of Rome in the 1950's, and finally to a New York courtroom in 1977, this story of one man's unwavering love for his daughter, a love that will lead to his degradation and undoing, will remind readers of the high price a society pays for its shortsightedness.
In a remarkable twist, One Thing of Value reimagines Alexandre Bisson's iconic Madame X with the genders of the characters reversed. The book takes readers on a journey of rediscovery as it examines today the difficulty both sexes experienced in coming to terms with the accepted concepts of masculinity and femininity in former times and the unforeseen outcomes that were the result.
The emotional core of the story is the poignant relationship between a father and his daughter. The sacrifices they make to protect each other and to secure one another's happiness adds a heartrending depth to the narrative, creating emotional whirlwinds for the characters and readers alike.
One Thing of Value is a compelling blend of romance, suspense, and drama that will engage readers from the first page to the last. Its exploration of human nature, love, sacrifice, and societal norms make it a must-read for anyone seeking a deep, engaging narrative.