The Great I has always looked over the small town. Protecting them from the outside world. Providing for them as any good father would. The only thing He ever asked of his followers is one soul. One soul each year so that He will continue to watch over and protect them.
The town's blind faith has shielded their eyes to the truth surrounding them. However, when Elizabeth wakes after the latest sacrifice and can't find her husband, the veil weakens as she remembers Mat and what happened to him. Can she trust these new visions?
Skipping Sunday Service is not an option, and when the town elders act like everything is normal when Mat doesn't accompany his family to service, Elizabeth knows something is wrong.
Elizabeth finds herself, and her boys, on the run from powers she doesn't understand. Once they choose to Remove the Veil, Elizabeth must make the ultimate decision or risk the souls of those she loves most.
But did she ever have a choice?