Have you ever wondered if Jesus can relate to your life?
He lived two thousand years ago, and since he was God, then surely you would think he couldn't relate to your struggles. Or so many tend to believe. We worship him as God, but do we really believe Jesus knows how we feel, knows what we are going through, knows what it is like to be us?
Here's the truth: Jesus knows what it is like to be you.
The Gospel of John powerfully shows us that Jesus desires to be part of our lives. Often we read the Gospels to see that Jesus is God, but rarely do we look at them to discover what it is like for God to walk a mile in our shoes.
In this book, Mason explores that concept by looking at the ways Jesus deals with:
- Our social anxiety.
- Our insecurities and loneliness
- Our personal desire for achievement and redemption.
In addition to these things, this book also looks at topics like:
- Seeing Jesus deal with grief.
- Seeing Jesus handle broken relationships.
- Seeing Jesus help us find our purpose in life.
When we see that Jesus came to dwell with us, to know us and be known by us, we see the key to being all that God would have us to be.