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Growing Up As Fairies (Roy, Rachel)
Growing Up As Fairies
Autor Roy, Rachel
Verlag Rachel Roy Independent Publishing
Sprache Englisch
Mediaform Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Artikelnummer 43252775
ISBN 979-8-215-73893-1
Plattform EPUB
Kopierschutz DRM Adobe
Sonstiges Ab 6 - 8 J.
CHF 4.50

Ever wonder how fairies really spend their days? Ever tame a dragonfly? Want to join a fairy picnic? Dive in for a close look at this group of friends as they grow up and discover their own special talents.

Join the adventures of these boys and girls growing up in The Meadow. Sometimes their adventures take them on boat trips or winter foraging in the forest, and plenty happens at home, too.

Each chapter is a complete story, but only a piece of the longer adventure.

Rachel Roy lives in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont with her husband and children. She has been writing for as long as she has known that people could create books. In 2021, her first children's story, Growing Up As Fairies, first appeared on Kindle Vella in serial format. After edits and illustrations she published it in print in December 2022. In the meantime she added six other series to Kindle Vella including another children's story, two non-fiction homesteading resources, and several fantasy and fantasy romances. Rachel also teaches middle school Humanities as she continues to write.