Make the breakthroughs you need to sustain your God-given greatness with the perfect companion to Stephen Chandler's guide to unlocking your unique genius, Stop Waiting for Permission.
Pastor Stephen Chandler believes with all his heart that God designed you for a purpose and filled you with potential. The Stop Waiting for Permission Study Guide is your road map to the journey of a lifetime, one that requires your active participation.
Each of the ten sessions aligns with chapters from his book, Stop Waiting for Permission. Ideal for group or individual settings, this guide offers ample space to reflect on key questions and insights through four key sections:
• Soak It In with a key biblical passage
• Reflect on It through thought-provoking questions
• Live into It with activities and prompts that make it real
• Pray It Out by wrapping it up with focused prayer
From the pastor of one of America's fastest-growing churches comes this bold, inspiring manifesto about how to dream, plan, and ultimately achieve your great calling in life. The time to act is now! Stop waiting for permission.