In this classic story that takes place on a road trip throughout the United States, Don Lichterman tells of his experiences at an Indian Reservation, the country's largest music festival and a band's final tour. During his journey all around America, Lichterman talks about his relationships gained, and lost, along the way while commenting on important issues facing the U.S, such as the upsurge in government spending, the job market, the state of the economy, religion, the criminal justice system/laws, the War on Drugs, the War On Terror, the housing bust, the health care system, private prisons and private jails. Commanding and convincing, with his unique style, Lichterman details these facts about American policies, which have been set in place over the past couple decades, together with today's government policies, in a fun and adventurous way, by sharing his opinions on what is necessary for the U.S. to flourish again.