In Glimpses of Raja Yoga, Vimala Thakar introduces the basic concepts of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras by focusing on a different sutra, or aphorism, in each of the twelve chapters. In her opening chapter, she presents the historical and cultural background of Patanjali's Raja Yoga. Chapter 2 contains an eloquent invocation of the dimension of Silence—the meditative state that one enters with the stilling of the mind. Chapters 3-6 examine the ethical principles and observances (the yamas and niyamas) that form the foundation of a healthy spiritual practice. Here Vimala discusses the importance of ahimsa (non-violence) and satya (truthfulness), and offers a radical interpretation of brahmacarya based on her understanding of Sanskrit. Chapter 7 concerns the kleshas or causes of suffering such as avidya (ignorance) and asmita (egotism). Chapter 8 discriminates between dharana (meditation with deliberate focus) and dhyana (effortless meditation), and reflects Vimala's own experience. Chapter 9 describes the relation of prakriti (matter) and purusha (spirit) according to Patanjali. Chapters 10-12 describe the ultimate goal of the yogic journey—the absolute freedom of samadhi.